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International Symposium »Drava River Vision«: 

 Transboundary Drava River Basin Management using climate change adaptation measures by cooperation of authorities and institutions of the five riparian states

 Maribor, 24th of September 2008 –  The International Symposium »Drava River Vision« ended yesterday afternoon, when heads of delegations to IPCDR (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River) from Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Croatia as well as the representative of the Republic of Italy signed “Declaration on common access in the spheres of water management, protection against floods, usage of water energy and the preservation of biodiversity in Drava river basin“. – Declaration is a foundation for transboundary cooperation of professional and administrative institutions at solving problems about future development and sustainable Drava river basin management. Main conclusion of the Symposium is that in the future Drava River Basin management shall seek for intersectoral consensual adaptation measures to the altered circumstances due to climate change. In the first line, these are: nonstructural adapatation measures for enhanced flood protection, low flow and drought periods management as well as utilization of hydropower through the assessment of all available renewable energy sources.

More than 110 representatives and professionals from Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary discussed at international symposium “Drava River Vision” in Slovenia for the first time about the question, how it is possible to sustainably manage Drava River Basin, that is on one side among one of the most energetically used rivers, and on the other side the region with exceptional biodiversity. Proposed directions of common transboundary work of the nature conservation, energy sector and water management sector in the international Drava River Basin are:

  1. solutions for enhanced flood protection, low water and drought management with non structural adaptation measures within the international Drava River Basin,
  2. development of criteria for sustainable use of renewable resources utilisation within the international Drava River Basin and
  3. development of the communication strategy of authorities, educational institutions and buisiness sector within the international Drava River Basin.
  Declaration on common access in the spheres of water management, protection against floods, usage of water energy and the preservation of biodiversity in Drava river basin“ was signed by four heads of delegations at IPCDR (International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River) and the representative of the Republic of Italy: Richard Stadler, head of Austrian delegation at ICPDR, Željko Ostojić, Head of Croatian delegation at ICPDR, Gyula Holló, Head of Hungarian delegation at ICPDR, Dr. Mitja Bricelj, Head of Slovene delegation at ICPDR and Rudolf Pollinger, representative of the Republic of Italy. Signatories of declaration, as well as other participants of symposium, that were able to symbolically accede to the signing, engaged themselves to respect and stimulate ecological integrity of river basin especially on the fields that most visibly form and influence on Drava River Basin management: protecting biodiversity of water habitats, hydro energetic use and assurance of flood protection.   “Declaration on common access in the spheres of water management, protection against floods, usage of water energy and the preservation of biodiversity in Drava river basin“ is focused to ten essential aims:
  1. To promote the Drava River as a model for integrated implementation of EU policies on water and nature protection;
  2. To enhance flood protection through the improvement of flood warning systems and through increased information exchange;
  3. To enhance flood protection through protection and restoration of water retention areas along the Drava River;
  4. To continue and further develop restoration of the Drava River and its floodplains;
  5. To maintain and further develop the Drava River as an “ecological backbone”;
  6. To re-establish the ecological connectivity of the Drava River for migratory fish;
  7. To establish the Drava River as a cross-border recreation area;
  8. To use opportunities for the Drava River to be a connecting lifeline for different nations;
  9. To undertake integrated river basin management rather than fragmented sectoral measures;
  10. To undertake further development of the Drava River area in partnership with its resident human populations.

Download the >>BOOKLET<< (pdf, 2,1 MB), >>Full Declaration<< (pdf, 260 kB)  >>Declaration with Signatures<< (pdf, 437 kB) 

“Drava River Vision” Symposium Presentations  

01 Dr. Aleš Bizjak, Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia: Introduction to the Symposium and importance of the Drava River Vision Declaration 

02 Philip Owen, European Commission: European sustainable river basin management and LIFE+ 

03 Dr. Gerhard Sigmund-Schwach, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria: Global view on sustainable river basin management and biodiversity conservation 

04 Dr. Giorgio Andrian, UNESCO Bresce: From vision to action towards a transboundary Danube–Drava–Mura Biosphere Reserve 

05 Philip Weller, ICPDR: The results and potential for transboundary water management cooperation 

06 Dr. Rudolf Pollinger, Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Italy: The Drava River in South Tyrol: “where the whole story comes from” 

07 Norbert Sereinig, Government of Carinthia, Department of Water Management, Austria: Is the Drava River basin management well on the way? 

08 Dr. Mitja Bricelj, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia: Importance of sustainable river basin management in transboundary context 

08a Mag. Nevenka Colnarič, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Section Drava River Sub-Basin, Slovenia: Is the Drava River basin management well on the way? 

09 Dr. Danko Biondić, Silvio Brezak, Croatian Waters; dr. Silvio Brezak, Elektroprojekt, Croatia: Approach to the management of Drava River floodplain for the sustainable flood protection and wetland restoration  

10 András Tálos, South-Transdanubian Environment Protection and Water Management Directorate, Hungary: Restoration of Szaporca oxbow system at Drava River 

11 Arno Mohl, WWF Austria: Status and future perspectives of the Drava River Basin 

12 Dr. Reinhold Turk, Government of Styria, Department for Nature Protection, Austria: Natura 2000 obligations and their implementation in the Drava River Basin including an European overview 

13 Dr. Darij Krajčič, Simona Kaligarič, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Slovenia: Management of Drava River in the frame of Natura 2000 

14 Mag. Neven Trenc, State Institute for Nature Protection, Croatia: National ecological network and Natura 2000 in Croatia along rivers Mura and Drava 

15 Herfried Harreiter, Verbund, Austria: Implementation of WFD and sustainable electricity production - tasks, challenges and experiences in Drava River Basin 

16 Christian Moritz, Arge Limnologie, Austria: Masterplan for hydropower in Austria 

17 Jože Milič, HSE Invest, Igor Čuš, Dravske elektrarne Maribor, Slovenia: New possibilities for exploitation of hydro energy on the Drava River 

18 Zlatko Pletikapić, Dr. Stjepan Mišetić, Željko Pavlin, Maja Kerovec, Elektroprojekt, Croatia: Sustainable planning of the multipurpose hydropower schemes 

19 Dr. Franci Steinman, dr. Primož Banovec, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia: Flood hazard, flood damage potential and residual risk on the Drava River Basin 

20 Dr. Helmut Habersack, BOKU Vienna, Austria, Norbert Sereinig, Government of Carinthia, Department of Water Management, Austria: Sustainable flood protection on the Drava River in Carinthia 

21 Zoran Đuroković, Davor Haničar, Ladislav Grđan, Silvio Brezak, Croatian Waters, Croatia: Flood protection experiences on the Drava River Basin in Croatia 

22 Dr. László Rákóczi, Dr. János Szekeres, VITUKI, Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute, Hungary: Environmental effects of industrial dredging on alluvial riverbeds 

23 Alajos Burián, South-Transdanubian Environment Protection and Water Management Directorate, Hungary, Ladislav Grđan, Croatian Waters, Croatia: River regulation of Dráva - Mura Rivers’ mouth 

24 Mirna Bojić, Ministry of Culture, Nature Conservation Directorate, Croatia, Rozália Érdi, Ministry of Environment and Water, Hungary: Cooperation on Nature Protetction along Drava River between Croatia and Hungary 

25 Dr. Aleš Bizjak, Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia: Drava River Vision Declaration: Follow up actions

More information about symposium:

dr. Aleš Bizjak, koordinator mednarodnega projektnega odbora, Inštitut za vode RS, 


Signation of Declaration Partners

For more photos see >>Galerie - Symposium Drava River Vision<<

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VGP Drava

